mindfulness report coverI developed the Mental Health Foundation's Be Mindful report from initial conception through to final delivery. The report makes the case for making meditation-based therapy available to everyone who experiences recurrent depression. It highlights the proven effectiveness of treatments such as mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and shows how developing services could reduce the cost - human and economic - of depression to our society.

It forms the basis of a year-long Mental Health Foundation campaign to promote mindfulness for mental health, centred at the Be Mindful website. The launch of the report was covered in all major UK national newspapers, including 'Meditation On Prescription: Charity Urges New Remedy For Depression' (Guardian), 'GPs Should Prescribe Meditation for Depression' (Times), 'GP Access To Depression Treatment Is 'Too Narrow'' (BBC) and 'Meditation 'Should Be Routinely Available On NHS' (Telegraph).

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