My work has been covered in a range of media. Below are some examples of interviews, reviews and features.
Anxiety, Depression and Learning To Let Go - Meditation Inspiration Podcast
Meet Ed Halliwell, lads' mag editor turned mindfulness expert (The Telegraph)
Clean and Clear (Psychologies)
Mindfulness as the Foundation For Behavioural Change - Max Lowery Podcast
Ed Halliwell on mindfulness (Mental Health Foundation video)
Into The Heart of Mindfulness (Action for Happiness). Video podcast interview with Ed Halliwell, below.
What Happens When I Meditate (Healthy magazine).
The Mindful Manifesto: An interview with Ed Halliwell (Tricycle)
Stars' meditation technique gains mental health experts' approval (The Observer).
Happiness is...all in the mind (Mail on Sunday).
Mindful Manifesto: Book of the year (Mail On Sunday)
Interview with Ed Halliwell (Everyday Mindfulness)
Present Moment podcast: Interview on the Mindfulness All-Party Parliamentary Group (Present Moment)
Psychologies Magazine Book Club video interview (Psychologies)
The Mindful Manifesto: Awareness, Engagement and Choice (Psychology Today)
Mindfulness for a Mindless Age (Psychology Today)
The Mindfulness Manifesto: It's Time To Transform Your Life And The World (PsychCentral)
Stressed Out? Try mindfulness meditation (Globe and Mail)